I was recently forwarded a link to the soon-to-be released Pi-Bot robot kit. The Pi-Bot’s Kickstarter campaign is fully funded and is estimated to ship this June. This robot kit has many similarities to other Arduino-based robots, but at $75, it is much cheaper than anything I have seen. This fully complete kit comes with an Arduino-compatible board, light sensor, ultrasonic sensor, breadboard and comprehensive instructions. It seems like a great follow up for kids who’ve already mastered Mindstorms robotics and are looking to move on with their skills. If you’re looking for an introduction to programmable robotics at a reasonable price, it’s definitely worth checking out.

Hi Debra – Just wanted to thank you for this post! Perused your blog a bit as well and love all your work – you’re awesome!! Hope you and your boys enjoy our Pi-Bot!
In India, for 50 dollars, It’s possible to make a robot with all those sensors and an arduino Uno even without mass production. The key is to order 2$ HC SR04s and not parallax ones.
Hi Ayush,
where can I buy a robot like this for $50 in India? Please post the link. Even the cheapest uno clone costs over Rs. 1200. Please post where can I get this double motor gearbox in India. Also how much it will cost to laser cut the frame? Thank you.