In working on my latest project, a CNC Etch A Sketch, I’ve come across a LOT of similar projects online. There is obviously something very appealing about taking a childhood toy and giving it electronic controls.
Before adding my own version of this project to the canon, I would like to recognize and thank the large number of people who have so generously shared their knowledge and projects. So, this post is a listing of mechanical Etch A Sketches I’ve found online. If you know of a project that you don’t see here but would like to include, please email it to me, and I’ll add it to the list.
A Not-So-Brief Motorized Etch A Sketch Tribute
In no particular order:
http://www.instructables.com/id/Etch-a-Sketch-LOGO-EASiLOGO/ – Creator used EASiLOGO to create a kid-friendly drawing control system for a motorized full sized Etch A Sktech. First design I’ve seen to use shaft couplers to join motors to Etch A Sketch knobs.
http://www.paleotechnologist.net/?p=3625 – 3D printed case to hold stepper motors on Pocket Sized Etch A Sketch. Run by Adafruit motor driver. Draws a spiral pattern.
https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/pi-a-sketch/ – Python code running on a Raspberry Pi powers this motorized Etch A Sketch.
http://www.instructables.com/id/Etch-i-Sketch/?ALLSTEPS – Instructable with touch panel affixed to the front of an Etch A Sketch for control.
http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Etch-A-Sketch-Clock/ – Detailed instructions and code for self erasing, full-sized Etch A Sketch clock.
http://www.instructables.com/id/Telecran-Etch-a-Sketch-Arduino-Telecranduino/ – Uses Fishertechnik (kind of like LEGO) parts to build the frame, and controls the motion of the stylus with a Wii nunchuck.
http://www.instructables.com/id/Computer-Controlled-Etch-a-Sketch/ – Detailed but meandering writeup. Author machines his own parts from scratch.
rses.cit.cornell.edu/ee476/FinalProjects/s2004/jml66/EAS_final.htm – Cornell students write a detailed analysis of a serial mouse-controlled Etch A Sketch
http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6873 – 3D print files for geared stepper motor control of Etch A Sketch.
http://www.evanlong.info/projects/etching/ – 3D printed attachments to hold 28BYJ-48 motors to Etch A Sketch knobs. Code not shown, but draws detailed versions of images run through preprocessor.
http://atomsandelectrons.com/blog/2009/07/toys-for-bots/ – Very attractive clear laser-cut case holds stepper motors onto Etch A Sketch. Source code provided, and includes adjustments for backlash.
http://atomsandelectrons.com/blog/tag/etch-a-sketch/ – Follow up to previous link with a second version of the motorized Etch A Sketch by same author.
http://patrickmccabemakes.com/hardware/da_Vinci/ – Detail oriented post on building a motorized Etch A Sketch controlled by two geared 28BYJ-48 motors which can render raster images by reading them off of an SD card.
https://sites.google.com/site/joetcochran/sketchduino – Detailed post with some amazing pictures of Raster images rendered by the “Sketchduino”. Video shows large stepepr motors drawing very accurately and quickly.
And some videos….